MIT Chemistry
MIT Biochemistry
Bishop-Introduction to Chemistry
Chapter 3: Chemical Compounds
Section 3.1: Classification of Matter
Section 3.2: Compounds and Chemical Bonds
Section 3.3: Molecular Compounds
Section 3.4: Naming Binary Covalent Compounds
Chapter 4: An Introduction to Chemical Equations
Section 4.1: Chemical Reactions and Chemical Equations
Section 4.2: Solubility of Ionic Compounds and Precipitation Reactions
Chapter 5: Acids, Bases, and Acid-Base Reactions
Chapter 5: Acids, Bases, and Acid-Base Reactions
Sections 5.2 and 5.3: Acid Nomenclature and Summary of Chemical Nomenclature
Section 5.4: Strong and Weak Bases
Section 5.5: pH and Acidic and Basic Solutions