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Scene Stylistics- TOC


Study Notes on Story, Scene and Structure: With a Case Study of Lehane's Mystic River


Notes on Structure, Scene, story

N0 - Swain Motive Reaction Units

N1 - Scene Elements

Lehane Scene Elements-Beats Example - 04-01-03

Lehane Stylistic Example - 03-02-02

Lehane Stylistic Example - 02-07-02

N2- Structure Elements and Checklist

N3 - Brody - Save the Cat 1

N4 - Brody - Save the Cat 2

Lehane Structural Beginning Example

N5 - Bell - Conflict

N6 - Bell - Suspense

N7 - Scene Construction

N8 -McKee - Story

N9 - Mass - Emotion, Fire

N10 - mCkEE - Dialogue

N11 - Revenge, Riddle, and Love

N12 - Love and Hate

Case Study Lehane Mystic River

A1 - The Character and Style Flow Diagram

A2 - The Diagram

A2b - The Diagram's plot Structure notes

A3 - Scene Data -Intro

A4 - Scene Data

A5 - PParagraphs and Sentences in Scenes

A6 - Scene Length and Ratio Metrics

A7 - P, S, W standardized

A8 - The Ratios Syandardized Graph

A9 - Interaction of Plot and Style (Outliers)

end notes




